What in Morning & Evening Skincare Routines Improves Dry Skin?

What in Morning & Evening Skincare Routines Improves Dry Skin?

Posted by Fernanda da Silva Tatley on


10 minutes read

Dry skin is a very common condition that can be alleviated by using moisturising ingredients that support a healthy skin barrier.

Typical signs of dry skin include, scaly, flaky, itchy patches with abrasions leading to cracking of the skin surface that can be inflamed, and sometimes infected, when the normal skin barrier function becomes compromised allowing bacteria or yeasts to invade the damaged skin.

This condition can be uncomfortable and affect any part of the body including hands, arms, legs, torso, and head, though most often people become distressed with dry skin on the face, as this is so visible. Interestingly, even if your skin is oily, dry skin can still occur from time to time, especially as we age.

Also, men and women are equally affected by this condition, which means that the information below and recommendations are just as appropriate for men.




What are the Causes of Dry Skin?

Dry skin arises when your skin loses water too quickly through evaporation and sweating, when the skin becomes dehydrated. Also, our genetics, lifestyle, personal hygiene habits, health, and age, can further contribute to developing dry skin. Let’s consider some triggers. 


Environmental exposure:

  • Being exposed to the elements, regardless of how beautiful the environment is.
  • The weather is probably one of the major contributors of severe dry skin, especially in winter.
  • When both the temperature and humidity drop, often accompanied with cold wind, this leads to drier air that can exacerbate the drying of your skin.
  • The use of heaters and air conditioners to maintain a comfortable home and work environment, and then the switch from warm to cold environments as we go about our daily routines, your skin is likely to lose more moisture than usual. Longer and hotter showers can have the same effect.











Our genetics:

  • We all have inherited a set of genes that might make us susceptible to certain skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis.
  • If you are prone to these conditions, you are more likely to be susceptible to dry skin. Eczema (atopic dermatitis) is the most common cause of dry, itchy skin in children and adults. 
  • But, other systemic disorders such as thyroid disease and diabetes, can also increase the probability of developing dry skin, often of a severe form.











Lack or loss of moisture:

  • We tend to forget that moisture replenishment has to happen both from within the body (drinking), and from outside (applying moisture to the skin and covering up).
  • So, yes… just as your body can become dehydrated, so can your skin! Loss of moisture on the surface of the skin leads to compromising the skin barrier function, which in turn leads to more moisture loss.
  • Hence the importance of moisturizing your skin regularly, as well as drinking plenty of fluids ensures that you keep your skin hydrated from the inside and protected from losing this from the outside.












  • The infamous peril of ageing… however, dry skin affects all ages.
  • Nevertheless, as we age, we notice that our skin becomes more sensitive, fragile, thinner over time and easier to damage. Indeed, as we age the number of cell layers in our epidermis decreases considerably (from 30 to approximately 50). As these layers lose moisture, they become flatter, resulting in further reduction of the skin barrier thickness.
  • These changes are part of the reasons we lose the “youthful glow”.
  • To regain some of this glow, we need to prevent our skin from drying out, keep it moisturised and well-nourished  to encourage health cell growth.  












Nutritional deficiencies:
Shortage of certain vitamins and minerals in our diet, such as vitamin B-6 and zinc, have been recognised to lead to dry, itchy skin, or skin that takes longer to repair.




How to Prevent Developing Severely Dry Skin? 


To minimise worsening dry skin, especially in winter, be proactive.

    • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids.
    • Avoid using harsh cleansers, instead consider oil cleansers.  
    • Take lukewarm showers.
    • Cover your skin with a gentle moisturiser after drying off, and in fact splash some water or a toner before applying a moisturiser.
    • Avoid scratching your skin and use a damp cloth with tepid water to decrease the urge to scratch.
    • Turn your thermostat down.
    • Keep indoor moisture levels up… but not so hight to lead to mold!
    • Protect your skin from the elements by wearing gloves, hats, scarves, and any other clothing that can protect exposed skin.


By now you must have worked out that there are 2 important actions to improve dry skin, one is hydrating, and the other is retaining this moisture on your skin. So…

Water is a Spice of Life! 














But there is more…
In as much water is vital for life, so are oils! And, since oils and water don’t mix, you can take advantage of the oils to “lock” the water in your skin, that is in fact what moisturisers are doing. So, if water is a spice of life, oils add a magic touch!



Can Oils be Used as Moisturisers for Dry Skin?


Yes, but some are better than others, and 2 of my favourites are coconut oil and shea butter. Indeed, if you run out of moisturiser and were desperate to use something from your pantry, you could use coconut oil. By the way, I’m suggesting coconut oil instead of shea butter because you are more likely to have coconut oil in your pantry.


Coconut Oil has Superb Emollient Properties.

Emollients fill the spaces between skin cells, creating a smooth surface. Like using grout to fill the spaces between tiles. But coconut oil is particularly useful because it is its saturated fatty acid composition that so easily softens and soothes the skin.

You can use coconut oil daily, on your face as well as on the most sensitive parts of your body, such as the area underneath your eyes and around your mouth.

 And… Coconut Oil is Magic!













So, what is an Emollient?

The word emollient describes a product used to soothe or soften. So, an emollient softens dry, rough, flaky skin, making it look and feel better. When the top layer of your skin is not holding enough water, it dries out. This causes skin to crack and flake off, leaving open spaces between the cells in your skin.

Emollients fill those spaces with fatty substances, called lipids, which make your skin smoother and softer, much like grout is used to fill the gaps between tiles, so the tiled surface is smooth to the touch.

Emollients that contain a lot of oil are also occlusive substances. This means they coat your skin with a thin oily layer that locks the water in your skin. Occlusive substances, or agents, keep your skin hydrated longer.

Although many people think that an emollient and a moisturiser are the same thing, they really aren’t. An emollient is one of the ingredients in a moisturiser. A moisturiser has many ingredients, some of which provide a way to deliver water into your skin. Emollients are the part of a moisturiser that keep your skin soft and smooth.


Types of Emollients:

The type of emollient that is best for your skin depends on the cause and severity of your skin condition, which part of your body is affected, and your personal preferences. You may want to try a few different emollients that have multiple functionalities. Or you may even use different types at different times of the day or year, depending on the changes in the dryness of your skin or the texture of the emollients, such as some are light (apricot oil and grape seed oil), other denser (coconut oil and shea butter).

Most commonly emollients are categorised by how oily or greasy they are. All emollients soften and smooth your skin, but the amount of oil in them determines how strong of an occlusive agent they are. The denser an oil is, the more emollient benefits it contains, the better it is at forming a protective layer on your skin to retain moisture.


What to do to improve dry skin?

Implement a Skincare Routine


According to a small 2022 study, a consistent skin care regimen can lead to measurable changes in dry skin. This small study compared 2 groups of participants, with moderate to severe dry skin, after a period of 2 weeks. One group used a mild cleanser and a moisturiser (twice a day) and the other just a cleanser, no moisturiser.

The investigators were “blinded” to the participants routines to best assess the changes. Results showed that 80% of the participants in the “moisturiser” group reported decreased dryness and improved skin texture. Besides, this study highlighted how developing a consistent skin care routine was critical to improve dry skin.












Develop a daily skin care routine consisting of the Steps below:

I have previously provided Tips on How to Use Natural Skin Care  and the importance of Setting a Daily Natural Skin Care Routine for various skin types.

Below are some pointers to create a Skincare Routine for Dry Skin, that is relatively simple, and that should take no more than 5 – 6 minutes in the morning and evening.

Included are some Azurlis™ products recommendations, but you can follow this routine with any other skin care products that you are comfortable with.



  • Cleansing ought to be done before going to bed, but some people do it in the morning as well. This is a personal preference.
  • Use an Oil Cleanser such as our 2-in-1 Jojoba & Aloe Facial Cleanser



  • You are spoilt for choices here. Choose from one of our Toners or make your own chamomile toner or just user splashed water on your face.
  • The toner is best applied after cleansing under a day moisturiser, but there is nothing wrong with its use several times in the day.



  • Of course, you can moisturise in the morning and at night. For dry skins I would advise to use a moisturiser in the day such as the Intensive Moisturising Day Cream, then use a Serum for the night time.
  • However, the Serum can also be applied under the day moisturiser, when appropriate.


Protecting - Serum

  • The options here for selection of a Serum are multiple. You could use the 2-in-1 Jojoba & Aloe Facial Cleanser and a Serum. 
  • Alternatively, our Loving Skin Serum is a soothing emollient, best used at night time. 
  • But, you could also use the Soothing Eye Serum all over your face, as this is ideal for delicate skin, which is also a characteristic of some dry skin types. 


Take Home Message


Plenty of water, a good moisturiser to retain the moisture, and persistence to follow a Skincare Routine are vital to keep dry skin soft and supple regardless, of where you are.

And don’t forget… be gentle with your skin, your most precious body asset. So, when you massage or apply any product, do it as if, you were making love to your skin!



Frequently Asked Questions


What is a morning and evening skincare routine?

A morning and evening skincare routine involves a set of steps and products used to cleanse, hydrate, moisturise and protect the skin in the morning, and to address specific concerns and repair the skin at night. It is important to have both routines to maintain healthy and glowing skin.

What are the key components of a comprehensive skincare routine?

The key components of a comprehensive skincare routine include cleansing, hydrating, moisturising, and applying sunscreen in the basic routine. Customising with targeted treatments like serum products and eye creams can address specific skin concerns. Advanced techniques such as double cleansing and product layering can further enhance the routine.

How do I choose the right skincare products for my skin type?

When choosing skincare products, it's important to consider your skin type. For example, those with dry skin may benefit from a more hydrating moisturiser, while individuals with oily skin may prefer lightweight, non-comedogenic products. Certain conditions, such as ulcerating acne, will require consultation of a medical practitioner, as non-medically trained skincare experts cannot prescribe some of the treatments that may be required to resolve the issue.

Why is it important to have different skincare routines for the morning and evening?

Skincare steps may vary depending on the time of day due to factors such as sun exposure and the body's natural repair processes during sleep. A morning routine focuses on protection from environmental stressors, while an evening routine prioritises repair and rejuvenation.

What are some common challenges in maintaining a skincare routine?

Common challenges in maintaining a skincare routine include a lack of consistency and patience. It's important to stay motivated by setting achievable goals, seeking support from others, and reminding yourself of the long-term benefits of consistent skincare practices.


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