The core values of Azurlis™ Natural Botanical Skin Care remain as when the concept was first conceived in 1987. Though the presentation of the brand has evolved.
Azurlis™ develops into a brand that incorporates the lapis lazuli rock energy as this is so evocative of the connection to the deep blue of the night sky as well as the deep blue sea. Thus, the brand carries the blue of the lazurite, white of the calcite and bronze that represents pyrite. The beep blue also reflects the colour of many blue flowers that have beneficial skin care properties, e.g. Flax, borage, irises.
Azurlis™ launches as Azurlis™ Skin Care for Life, but within a year it changes to Azurlis™ Natural Skin Care – Balancing Science & Soul, with the emphasis on the borage flower.
The brand changes to accommodate the benefits of flax seed oil with its lovely blue/purple flowers and the emphasis on ethical.
The Azurlis™ flax seed flowers are aggregated in a heart shape, reflecting the care for all around, human, animal and environment. A heart for humanity.
An Azurlis® brand refresh simplifies the brand style to a more contemporary look. Designed by Luke Johnson of BrandAid. However, the original mission, intent and goals are still the same as those created in 1987 – Inspired by Nature & Created with Soul.