Getting Ready for Christmas - Feeling Good and Looking After Your Skin

Getting Ready for Christmas - Feeling Good and Looking After Your Skin

Posted by Fernanda da Silva Tatley on



5 minute read


It's hard to believe that Christmas is once again just around the corner and how we get into a frenzy on how much there is to do in advance. And, even if we don't celebrate Christmas, one still get pushed, dragged, enveloped into the festivities of finishing and starting a New Year.

Upcoming Azurlis Development by Christmas


Like everybody else, we have a few things in our Immediate Pipeline that we are hoping to launch before the end of the year such as:

  • Our Loyalty Programme that is being designed to give you something back, because we value you sticking with Azurlis.
    • The Programme will accommodate the ability to accumulate points over time without the fear of loosing them.
    • At Azurlis, we don't believe in stressing you, quite the contrary.
  • We also want to launch our long awaited Bakuchiol Serum onto which we have put much work and thought at all levels, including ingredients, packaging, user experience and feedback, as well as functionality.
    • But there is still a bit of work before we can put the product on the website.
    • We have the packaging, however we have to photograph the product, to make it look good on a page that is visited by people with widely differing opinions on what is expected and although a picture can say a 1,000 words.
    • Different people read different words. So, it does take time to finalise this aspect of product development.

 We will keep you posted.


On Sustainability & Product Development - Responding to the Changing Market


We are delighted to see that globally people, the market sectors, and the personal care manufacturing industries and becoming more sustainable. However, this is not an easy path to either lead or follow.

Sustainability, simplicity, functionality and product presentation are always on the forefront of our ongoing Development  Pipeline, and we are always very comfortable that the packaging that we use is recyclable to a large extent, with our containers in NZ being made of glass. 

On the other hand, the closures on these containers, i.e. the lids and the pump tops, still have to be discarded in the non-recycled waste, as they are plastic with some metal springs. The boxes for our products, and the pouch packs are also recyclable, but we would really like to further improve our contribution to sustainability by doing away with boxes. 


Why do we want to doing away with boxes?


Given the amount of resources put into designing and printing a box that then ends up in the recycling station seems a bit of counter intuitive process. Bear in mind that all products would still be dispatched in a secure, presentable cardboard box.

Wouldn't it be better if instead of a box, the products were wrapped into something useful, like an environmentally friendly cotton face cloth? This could then be used as a face cloth, baby cloth, wash cloth, dusting cloth, floor cloth, computer screen cloth, car wash cloth, whatever cloth, or gardening rag?

And when it was really looking bedraggled it could be thrown away or composted away?


What are your thoughts on this "No Box" option? 


Not having product boxes is something we can easily accommodate through our online store, but it is a different story for our products that get sold through non-online retailers. 

As some of you are aware, our products sold in Hong Kong are packaged in airpumps that although beautiful to look at, are not recyclable. This was what the local market preferred.

Despite apparent simplicity on the surface, all of these topics and decisions have their pros and cons, and no decision comes without a compromise, which carries an element of stress.


I Would Like to Hear from You


Do email me on if you have any comments you feel strongly about any of the above relating to packaging. Thank you indeed in advance.


How Can We Help Ourselves to Feel Good?


Although the issues that bother us at Azurlis will be very different from those that affect others, you can see that these issues do put pressure on myself and on our team. 

So just like everybody else, we want to feel good to resolve those issues that are pertinent to Azurlis, and to minimise the extent that these will flow into our lives.

We want to feel better, to feel lighter, being able to breath and make decisions without feeling pressurised... shedding some of the boulders that are weighting on our shoulders.

Feeling good, and looking relaxed, and at ease is a core pillar of Azurlis philosophy, where looking after our skin is really important. The mere act of taking time for yourself, to cleanse and or massage, your skin contributes to feeling cared for.

So, you feel good in looking after your skin. Simple, but real.

Watch our short video on how feeling good and looking after ourselves, and our skin in particular, is critical to enjoy everyday with excitement and gratitude, and helping others to feel good, in our very special planet.




Take Home Message


I'll leave you with this quote by Maya Angelou.

"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."



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