How Many Products Do You Really… Really Need in Your Daily Skincare Routine?

How Many Products Do You Really… Really Need in Your Daily Skincare Routine?

Posted by Fernanda da Silva Tatley on



7 minute read


I will be provocative and say… Just One!


Most of you will probably laugh or jeer at the thought of one single product being able to address all the issues and concerns in your skincare, but it is true. However, this does not mean that it will be the very same product for everyone or that this Single Product will address your skin needs… but you’ll be surprised as to what you actually can do with just one product. 


I’ll break this down into bite size sections that hopefully will make you think outside of the box and hopefully convince you.


Why Do We Need Skincare?


Our skin is our biggest organ with one of the most critical roles to ensure that we stay alive and healthy. 

  • It protects us against environmental exposure.
  • It prevents excessive dehydration or loss of moisture as a result of physical exertion.
  • It is a semipermeable barrier that absorbs water and air, aiding in gaseous and moisture exchange.
  • It helps to regulate our body temperature.
  • It serves as a very important surface that is loaded with physical sensors including those associated with touch, temperature, friction, pressure to mention just a few.

If our skin was a mechanical machine, you can understand that you would need to keep it clean, give it fuel, change the oil and have regular check-ups and maintenance. Besides, every so often you would want it to “glow”.


So, you can see that to keep our “living machine” in tip top condition to perform all the above tasks, we have no option but to look after it.


Most people say that they do look after their skin with their daily hygiene habits, but that is not enough. Although you can repair and replace parts in your mechanical machine, doing it for your skin is a bit more complex - and that is assuming that the skin is not subjected to disease or accidents, both of which will happen at some point.


So, to focus on the most important point, the skin like other organs in your body, will age and as this happens it becomes more fragile and less capable of optimally  performing its job.


Skincare is needed to keep the skin from excessive drying, so that its texture is soft and supple. Sure, I agree that wrinkles, fine lines, pigmentation, fat loss and distribution will still occur, but skincare ensures that our skin remains as a functional barrier.




Are There Big Differences Between The Skin Types?


Yes and no...

Although we understand that normal skin is synonymous with being problem-free, there is no such thing as “normal” skin. The term normal refers to a mathematical concept that represents a “normal distribution”.




Using the diagram above, representing the  IQ distribution spectrum in humans, this shows that a large proportion of the population has an IQ ranging from 85 – 115. This would the “average” IQ. If your IQ is 130, you are very bright. The reverse is true if your IQ is on the lower end.


If we extrapolate this to skin types, the normal skin corresponds to those with skin in the yellow middle block.


And we can postulate that those with oily or dry skin types are on either side of the yellow block. This does not mean they are “worse” or “better” than normal skin, they are just variations in skin type, and that they are different from the skin that is largely problem-free.




However, we might not remain problem free indefinitely because we are living creatures. Sometimes we all experience some form of oiliness or dryness on our skins.


As you know hormone and emotional changes can contribute to breakouts and acne, or lead to irritated and sensitive skin that can become really dry.


But our lifestyle habits, genetics, immune and psychological status can also contribute to whatever manifestation shows on our skin - even if we were graced with “normal skin” at birth.




Of course, there are some very serious skin conditions that need to be managed by medical and health professionals. So, these types of issues are in a separate category that need specialised medicated skincare rather than the skincare products that can be purchased online, or off the shelf in a beauty or health store.


The long and short is that, except for extreme skin conditions, all skins are similar. This means that products can be used interchangeably between oily, dry and normal skin types, with the proviso that oily skins invariably need less of the products and dry skins need much more and sometimes more frequent applications.


So, you see where I’m going now...


Why Are There Different Products for Different Skin Types?


Having said that all skin types are basically similar does not mean that everyone's skin will have the same experience using the same product.


As I have mentioned previously, this is because of what makes each of us who we are, what we do in our lifestyle and how we think - yes, how we think is critical for our wellbeing, the skin included.


Sadly, we have been brainwashed for decades, on how we need to treat our different skin types in different ways. This has been exacerbated by marketing strategies designed to sell more products with a “customised” spin because it becomes easier for people to identify with a product selection that relates to their need.


However, there is plenty of research evidence reinforcing the fact that often the same natural ingredient works just as well for oily or dry skins and help reduce the signs of ageing.


Ironically, although we now may have a better understanding of why ingredients and products can be used for different skin types, this has been known for eons in ancient cultures. In fact, historical accounts mention the longstanding use of plant extracts for a variety of skin and many other conditions.


Once again, the long and the short is that in many cases one product is absolutely suitable to use in different skin types.




Why Do Some Products Work, and Others Don’t?


This is not straightforward to answer, because everyone is just slightly different, and it is important to find what works for you.


So, a product that is amazing on someone, but may feel unimpressive on your skin.


Another point is that often people’s expectations differ, and this leads to disappointments. A simple example is the concept of using a small amount of a product – your concept of small could be different from that of your best friend. This is why at Azurlis, we refer to using “orange pip” or “grape seed” amounts of products… but this is still very vague. Hence, you have to find the right amount for your skin.


Besides, just because you may have 2 products with the exact same ingredients they may have been manufactured in different ways and with different ratios of the ingredients (composition variations).


This means that although the ingredients are the same, the tailored percentage of each ingredient may contribute to the product effectiveness. Thus, one product version may work better, and another version, with exactly the same ingredients, may not work at all.





If Everyone is Buying a Skincare Product, it Must Be Good... Right?


This is an interesting one!


Because of social media and the way products are marketed this can indeed be the perception, but be aware that a lot of publicising of products can be misleading, and when people get taken in by excitement, they want to believe that a product works for them… it probably will. However, if your expectations and mindset are different from those that found the benefits, the product may not work as well. 


Also, you have no idea what other products people are using at the same time, even though they say that this is the only product they use.


In fact, with all the excitement and euphoria of trying something, especially if it was made available with a discount, people subconsciously forget about the ongoing skincare management that they do that could contribute to an improvement. But, those improvements may be much more marginal than they really realise.


An interesting point about seeing product benefits was highlighted to me when I joined a dermatologist forum. They were very critical of claims made by some products because the studies designs were such that had a very select group of participants was used, namely women between 25 – 35 years. Their comment was that you can always show benefits in this age group because their cell turnover is reasonably rapid, so improvements can be observed. However, if you have participants of an older group, such 70+ group, the cell turnover is much slower, and the results are less noticeable and take much longer to be detected. In fact, one of the dermatologists stated that if you want to show the effectiveness of a product, choose your participant group very carefully.


Food for thought?



If a Skincare Product is Expensive, it Must Be Good… or Can I Get The Same Benefit from a Product That Costs Half as Much?


This is also not straightforward because there are definitely skincare products that are expensive, beautifully packaged and totally ineffective other than providing a lovely scent and a soft texture to the skin. I have seen a few…


But there are also products that are expensive, and that when you read the list of ingredients and the instructions for application you can see that they’ll work.


Be wary of expensive products which come on the market with a high price that is heavily discounted. This is not because they want to give you something for free, but rather because they want to make loads of sales.


Mindful brands that sell credible and trustworthy products are less likely to go in for huge promotional discounts.


On a funnier note, I was talking to my hairdresser about discounts and the issues with customer’s requests for discounts. Jokingly I asked “…so, can you give me a 50% discount?” She replied, “Sure… I’ll do half your head!


It says it all!



What Do We Want When We Hear About The Next, Best, Super Novel Product in The Market?


Most probably we just want to feel good, and good looking and relive all the best moments that we associate with those that supposedly have it all, fame, beauty, money, you name it.


There is nothing wrong with that, but remember that all those media reports, social media posts, videos and shots are from people that have a very different lifestyle from ours.




Most of us get caught up in the family, school kids, work, garden, shopping, house, friends and family issues and so much more… So, where is there time for you? For each of us in the midst of it all?


For me, I love the 5 minutes each morning that I use to put on my moisturiser. Of course it takes me longer to put my make-up on, but my moisturising time is my time. This has always been the case for me, even when my kids were small. The same for my 5 - 10 minutes to clean my face before I go to bed, regardless of what time it is, and believe me sometimes I have some very late working nights.


Yet, my morning and evening moments are truly treasured, as I encapsulate all the time in the Universe, in the 5 minutes for me alone.





Take Home Message


To get back to my original question – Can we care for our skin with just One Product?



And in our busy lives, sometimes a Single Product or Skincare Step is all we can deal with, and that is great, as long as the product is used consistently, because you have to care for your skin to maintain its healthy status so it will perform its protective barrier function well.


Am I saying that you should use only One Product and throw the rest away?


Rather, choose the One that works for you to care for your skin and suit your lifestyle, though make this a healthy one.


The concept of using a simple routine with 1 or 2 products suitable for all skin types was how was Azurlis was launched in 2010, but we increased our range because people could not believe that One Product suffices.


Yes, I gave in to the market demands but guess what I’m on a Mission to get skincare really simplified so you, myself, and all of us can make the special time to need for us.


Of course, we’ll use other products as well as we require, but One Product is all you need! ;-)

I would love to hear from you, on this. So, email us at




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