Skincare Secrets

Why is Your Skincare Routine Key to Healthy Skin?

Explore our growing collection of highly informative articles related to our holistic, botanical skin care range.

Sustainability & Natural Skin Care – Buy Only What You Need

Sustainability & Natural Skin Care – Buy Only What You Need

By Fernanda da Silva Tatley

Using as little as is required and only what is needed is a living thread in our sustainable manufacturing. We are definitely focused on sustainable...

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Dr Fernanda da Silva Tatley Founder and Director Azurlis™ Natural Botanical Skin Care

How to use Natural Skin Care - Tips from our Founder

By Fernanda da Silva Tatley

Customers often ask me: How do I know what natural skincare products I need for my skin? When do I know whether I have applied...

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What’s in a Product Label?

What’s in a Product Label?

By Fernanda da Silva Tatley

The long and the short answer to this question is - A lot, ranging from the material specifications to best fit the purpose of the...

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Simple and Natural Skin Care Routine

Simple and Natural Skin Care Routine

By Fernanda da Silva Tatley

Why a Natural Skin Care Routine? At an estimated value of USD 287.94 billion globally in 2021, the cosmetic and anti-wrinkle skin care industry is enormous...

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Why Wear Sun Protection?

Why Wear Sun Protection?

By Fernanda da Silva Tatley

  3 minutes read   We all love Summer for all the great outdoor activities of this warm-weather season. But, you need to shield your...

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Why Natural Face Cleansers for Ageing Skin?

Why Natural Face Cleansers for Ageing Skin?

By Fernanda da Silva Tatley

With our busy lives we take many things for granted, including our skin care, so we pay little attention to it. Thus, gradually, we allow...

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